
Putu Aditya: To survive as a startup, you need more than passion and persistence.

As the co-founder of Halal XYZ, a startup helps to eradicate problems for Muslims in Taiwan, Putu has a lot to share about establishing a startup from the ground up. Their story all started from a simple idea – if they needed to organize database of Halal restaurants in Taiwan then why didn’t they make an App and save all the nuisances? With the idea to improve Muslims’ convenience in Taiwan, they gather a large amount of information and solutions to discuss. “ While you may know your idea and goals, you should still be prepared that it’s not gonna be easy in the long run.” Even though going through obstacles is a must when we start from scratch, Putu advised all the youngsters that as we could seek for help from mentor, school’s advisors and listen to experiences from who started before, that would open up our network in startup community, which further create a niche for us to stick to our dreams.


Ryan Huang: When we slow down and see how telecommunication plays a role in our life

“How important telecommunication means in business?” is the first question that Ryan raised as stepping on stage. “It makes our everyday life, shortens the distance between us.” Simple as it may seem, we normally ignore how telecommunication plays a role in our daily life.  For example, we may never think about why we still hang on to use traditional phones in this smartphone era. Ryan made it clear — since when we bury ourselves in the sea of telecommunication in our daily life, we need to release us from it a bit from time to time, and if we replace smartphones with outdated phones in our office, probably the companies’ privacy will be left with nothing.

Even though smartphone seems so convenient when we’re dealing with day-to-day business utilizing it, Ryan’s speech also raised a good concern to care about ourselves inward when using the up-to-date technology wisely.

Antonius Sunarto: Knowing your customer is the core.

Antonius Sunarto, the founder of ISheEra Technology, is a Chinese Indonesian familiar with both Indonesian and Taiwanese culture. By establishing ISheEra Technology, he sold a variety of feminine products. From his observation, women normally make a purchase based on their loved ones’ preferences; this shopping behavior, therefore, creating a business opportunity for him. Still, when it comes to digital marketing in a different market, he has a vital point to make – to observe our target audience very closely so that you will know how to upgrade the marketing strategies. Take one of the cosmetic cares for example, while they’re promoting products in Indonesia, they failed to dig into Indonesian girls’ preference, which emphasizes oil-control and it ultimately constitutes a failure. Besides, Antonius also arouse the awareness of the audience – no matter in where we wanna start our own business, we need to be crystal clear about our own strengths as well as resources, looking for a niche which is currently lacking in that market so that we can make a competitive solution that no one has envisioned before.

GCR is looking for promising business partners seeking creative IT solutions and aiming for Indonesian as well as Indian markets!

Taiwan has a great environment for technological development, and recently, a number of tech-based startups have been established in Taiwan.

Therefore, as a startup incubator, bridging Taiwan and ASEAN-India, we are thrilled to announce that STARTBOARD is going to have a deeper collaboration with GCR!

GCR is the abbreviation for Global Channel Resources. By collaboration with worldwide cloud-based/networking solution providers, GCR is able to manage relation with both business partners as well as consumers. Thus, they enable channel partners to provide IoT solutions and cloud services and offer an IoT combination of smart connected hardware and software to serve end-customers.

In addition, GCR has platform ecosystem partners, including ACER, Mircosoft, Amazon Web Services, etc., which makes their service ever better and more comprehensive.

Become a business partner with GCR for the greatest win on both sides!

Currently, GCR plans to expand their service to Indonesia and India in the near future. As growing bigger, GCR is looking for promising business partners who need IT solution services. As a consequence, if your business develops in Indonesia or India, or you have planned to enter into both markets, collaborating with GCR is a great chance to apply cutting-edge IT solutions in your company, and grow together with GCR.

With such a great start, we believe that, with GCR, STARTBOARD can make a greater impact on both the developments of Taiwan’s startups and ASEAN-Indian networks.

To know more about GCR



Contact us on Facebook:

-Written by Mei Wu and Alicia Syu-



印尼在4月17日舉行總統大選,根據非官方調查機構的結果指出,印尼現任總統佐科威(Joko Widodo),以約55%的得票率勝過對手普拉博沃(Prabowo Subianto),有望連任總統。實際結果須待到5月22日印尼選委會公布,但該機構在印尼歷屆選舉上預測的都相當正確,因此佐科威極可能在今年10月展開第二個五年總統任期。





根據陳苓在MoneyDJ理財網-「印尼大選登場!佐科威或連任 外資湧入股債市 幣值彈」指出:「外資也在近五年的改革後對印尼重燃興趣,法巴新興市場固定收益副主管Jean-Charles Sambor說,越來越多資金流入印尼股債市,要是佐科威勝選,外資錢潮將挹注印尼資本帳,帶動印尼盾續強。」



此外,Bukalapak曾表態不希望佐科威連任總統,引發了支持佐科威的選民發起卸載Bukalapak app的運動(#UninstallBukalapak),佐科威卻出面介入調停:「希望大家停止卸載活動,因為我們必須鼓勵那些有創意和創造力的年輕人不斷的向前邁進,持續創新。」大度的展現自己支持新創的理念。



佐科威也在今年4月放寬50個行業的外資限制,稱之為「爆炸性改革」(“big bang”),也宣布印尼未來會持續開放、放寬投資限制、精簡法規,以吸引更多外資挹注印尼,刺激印尼的經濟成長,讓許多外國的企業非常的樂見,也不禁讚賞:「佐科威近日的經濟改革正朝著正確的方向在前進。」







  1. Widodo courts ‘cool factor’ of unicorns to appeal to young voters (NIKKEI)
  2. 印尼大選 佐科威可望連任總統 (聯合新聞網)
  3. 快速計票領先!印尼總統佐科威「自行宣布當選」 對手拒認敗選 (Ettoday新聞雲)

  1. 「我對印尼的自由化仍不滿意」佐科威宣布大幅對外資開放 程度創10年之最(關鍵評論)
  2. 印尼大選登場!佐科威或連任 外資湧入股債市 幣值彈 (Money DJ理財網)
  3. Indonesia plans “big bang” opening of economy to foreign investment (Reuters)
  4. Indonesia’s president pledges more steps to open economy (Reuters)

STARTBOARD @ 2019 G.G.C. Internship Interview & Career Fair

Last Friday, on May 4th, 2019, G.G.C from Global Brand Management Association (GBMA) has successfully held the 2019 G.G.C. Internship Interview & Career Fair at Cosmos Hotel Taipei. The event has attracted a lot of attention thank the participation of top experts in their industries including Dr. Louis Chen – Chairman of GBMA, legislator Karen Kao, Mrs. Kao – Chairman of MIC, Mr. Leo – CEO of Private Angle Capital and Mr. Chuang – Head of Agricultural Biotechnology from KPMG.

Dr. Chen,Chun-Shan from GBMA launched an inspiring opening speech.

After the warm welcome speech and introduction from Dr. Chen, Mrs. Karen has openly discussed with students about the current government policy and the decreasing demand for Finance-related jobs and provided participants with some advice and preparation for the upcoming, emphasizing on the need of other skills, especially technological ones. Despite the political uncertainties, Mrs. Karen and Dr. Chen still showed positive prospects for young talents in Taiwan.


Mr. Wu,Wun-Fang, one of the STARTBOARD’s investors was sharing his personal experiences on the event.

On the other hand, from the aspect of employers, representatives from KPMG and MIC described that hardworking, languages, attitude, global mind and continuously learning process are keys to success worldwide. However, in case you are ready to build up your own empire, Mr. Leo from Angle capital has a really good instruction for you which are to be the man of integrity and keep moving forward.

Time for STARTBOARD’s sharing!

The event closed after a bustling visit of students to different boots and queuing for submission of Resumes. On top of all, they have had a valuable lesson and share which would become their competitiveness on their future career path.


On April 15th, STARTBOARD was honorable to get invited to “Innovation Startup Competition,” where STARBOTARD’s COO, Uniform Lin, acted as the mentor and reviewer along with a group of top-notch executives in Taiwan. It’s not only a day full of exuberance from creative startup pals but also a day nicely spent with like-minded partners who have been making all-out efforts to build up a holistic and friendly startup ecosystem in Taiwan.

Joseph A. Schumpeter, well-known for his contributions to economics, defined entrepreneurs’ pivotal roles in reforming or revolutionizing the pattern of production by exploiting an invention or an untried technological possibility, in this year, MoneyUDN sticks to the same notion and makes Innovation Startup Competition alive on stage!

Innovation Startup Competition was launched since 2017, and have been held for consecutive three years. This year, MoneyUDN has managed to unveil some of the highly potential startup teams, who have been equipped with creative solutions to pitch their services as well as products in front of the reviewers!


During the selection process, we’ve encountered numerous stunners that would catch your attention at the first glimpse. Ranging from biotech, meditech, big data to sound-tech, all of the participants have been making all-out efforts to showcase better solutions to society. Take 3drens for example. Via location-based data services, they can efficiently assist corporations to collect and analyze data, which ultimately optimize the operation process and cut down on the costs. Apart from that, Acura nanomedicine wowed us with their nanotech process, which has come a long way in experimenting and testing medicine by putting materials on to a larger scale. Also, Guzipbio concentrates on epigenetics and looks for further uses in DNA research!

Walking away with inspirations from diverse industries, especially in startups, makes us feel really optimistic and pumped about startup markets in Taiwan. We’re quite thankful to MoneyUDN’s invitations, which will surely level up our expertise in assisting startup teams from different fields and from ASEAN/ India!