





駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處代表蘇孟帝Didi Sumedi到場支持



當天由駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處代表蘇孟帝Didi Sumedi擔任開場致詞嘉賓,台灣新二代、2016年台灣十大傑出青年之一的何景榮接棒,向台下觀眾說明印尼的電子商務及數位經濟發展趨勢。接著由STARTBOARD旗下的新創團隊Marine Highway Tech創辦人L. Tri. Wijaya,分享印尼海運如何透過物聯網發展智慧交通應用;再來是提供穆斯林友善餐廳資訊的APP—Halal XYZ共同創辦人 Putu Aditya,分享印尼學生在台創業的經驗;以及身為印尼華僑,來台求學後,曾擔任印尼在台最大電信商執行長特助,現為美商公司行銷經理的Ryan Huang分享印尼的資通訊科技及其未來發展。最後,則是由擁有豐富印尼電商經驗,臉書粉絲專業擁10萬粉絲的Youtuber,ISheEra Technology Company的創辦人吳俊星,分享印尼數位行銷趨勢。


Marine Highway Tech創辦人L. Tri. Wijaya目前就讀中央大學博士班


Halal XYZ共同創辦人 Putu Aditya畢業於台科大,現於台灣就業


Ryan Huang在台畢業後,曾任印尼在台最大電信商執行長特助,現為美商公司行銷經理





STARTBOARD X Innovation Lab Asia


STARTBOARD is pleasured to meet up with the lead consultant, Lisa Mallner, from Innovation Lab Asia! It’s a project dedicated to improving collaboration between Danish and Asian innovation ecosystems! Let’s review our indelible moments coupled with her distinctive perspectives of Asia market!


[ ican X STARTBOARD ] A Special Column for ASEAN countries!

STARTBOARD holds tons of thanks to ican, an accelerator program held by National Chiao Tung University, for sharing STARTBOARD’s stories!

To delve into how STARTBOARD creates a right and dynamic environment for startups from ASEAN and India, please visit the site down below! You’ll clearly see both the dark and bright sides startups are facing.





STARTBOARD@ Meet Taipei 2018

It’s our utmost pride to be a part of 2018 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華 – Startup High-5ive, an amazing catalyst for innovative ideas and startups!
During the three-day expo, STARTBOARD not only reunited with our good old friends but we also met up with a number of startup teams specializing in different fields! If you didn’t get the chance to come over and visit our booth, here are some delightful moments!

On top of that, our batch members, innoviz, GoEco and PokaYoke Infotech also demonstrated their attractive solutions during the event! GoEco even won the third place in the pitch contest! Visit our Facebook fanpage for further details!


STARTBOARD X Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre


Many of you may know Malaysia as a country of Southeast Asia, composed of two noncontiguous regions. With diverse ethnic groups dwelling on this nation, it also lies in the geographical pivot, thus serving as a perfect attraction for the younger generation who would like to break new ground overseas.

Nonetheless, little do you beware that Taiwan is actually seeking stronger ties with this country. As reported by the Malaysian Friendship & Trade Centre in Taipei (MFTC), in light of the New South Bound Policy, significant progress has been made in terms of bilateral relations, and especially in the field of education!

As stated by the representative of Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre, Anwar Udzir, if we want the retention rates of global talents in Taiwan go up steadily, a friendly environment for foreigners must be built. Take food for example. Since Muslims may have a hard time hunting for halal food in Taiwan, they may naturally, subconsciously deny the option to stay in Taiwan and develop further career paths.

For some indelible moments that we had with Mr. Anwar, please subscribe our Facebook fanpage and pay it a visit!

