Collaboration with TAVAR Taiwan

Its great to share that we are officially a partner of Taiwan Association of Virtual and Augmented Reality TAVAR 台灣虛擬及擴增實境產業協會– Taiwan’s first VR/AR association and trade group dedicated to promoting virtual and augmented reality technology and accelerating industry growth through government collaboration.

The purpose of TAVAR is to provide experts from different fields a community of software, hardware and talents as well as a communication platform so through TAVAR they can build a network of corporations, contacts and resources achieving a high value industry. TAVAR aims to promote and expand Taiwan’s VR/AR industry, actively form alliances and cross-field cooperation, to bridge the Taiwan IT industry to international markets and establish a leading position in the world.

With this partnership between STARTBOARD and TAVAR, we hope to collaborate and give a hand on building a better startup ecosystem for all startups to develop in Taiwan as well as international.




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