STARTBOARD’s Mentors Meet Members

IMG_6233“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

As the name suggests, Mentors meet Members was yet another fantastic event held by STARTBOARD where we invited all our respected mentors to take out time from their busy schedule to meet with our teams and their members in order to bridge any gap and to get to know each team better than before!

IMG_62371IMG_6252The day started with a lot of excitement and anticipation as one after the other teams arrived ahead of the mentors. They were all excited as well nervous to meet their idol face to face and to be able to ask them questions directly was a huge opportunity. The time struck and all our mentors arrived and the event began with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.

IMG_6266We organized some delicious pizza and refreshments for our teams and the mentors. Our chairman Prof. Chen Chun Shan kicked start the event with an opening speech where he mentioned about all our teams and their achievements and included special thanks to each mentor for attending the event and spending their precious time with our teams. It meant a lot to STARTBOARD to see that our mentors support us so much

2All of our teams each got the chance to present their companies to the mentors and spoke about their business idea. Our mentors were all very proud of the teams and showed a lot of interest in our team’s business ideas.

During the time when they interacted directly with each other, our mentors exchanged contacts with our new teams and congratulated them on joining STARTBOARD.

IMG_6261IMG_9262IMG_6005We at STARTBOARD are extremely happy and proud that all our hardwork and paid off well and the event was a big success. We would like to thank each and every team member and our respected mentors for coming and helping us make the event a grand one! Thank you very much for all your support and help. Cheers until our next event again 🙂


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