Yilan Entrepreneur Studio workshop- International startups in Taiwan

When you travel to the east of Taiwan and being amazed by the beautiful nature, have you ever thought about what if I could stay in this wonderful place for a longer time? Here is an option for you to answer your inner desire and find a new career in Yilan.Yilan Entrepreneur’s Studio at Yilan Science Park is a cluster of innovation and technology under the management of well-known Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, MOST (SIPA).STATBOARD is pleased to co-host an event with Yilan Entrepreneur’s Studio and SIPA to unveil the series of international entrepreneur workshops.

It is such an honor to have 竹科大小事 許增如, Deputy Director-general of SIPA, 蘭青庭(宜蘭園區青創基地) , 國立宜蘭大學.夢想起飛的地方 to present in our first workshop and strengthen the international talent community in Yilan.Last Friday, we had TUTEEMI and CliquEnglish 小眾英文 to share their precious experience as a foreign startup in Taiwan.

The upcoming workshop will be held on 9/11 and touch the topic of Taiwanese startup in the Thai market. Are you ready for an exotic workshop? RSVPhttps://startboard.pse.is/foreignstartups


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